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Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 07 sep 2008, 21:28
door rail s
Local connections essential
06 Sep 2008
EUROPE: 'High speed trains can be and have been a catalyst for economic and social regeneration as well as bringing the people of Europe closer together — and quickly', pointed out James Brathwaite, Chairman of the South East England Development Agency, addressing a conference in London to mark the conclusion of two EU-funded projects aimed at improving local access to high speed rail services.

HSTintegration and HSTconnect had a budget of €50m, sup­ported by the European Regional Dev­elopment Fund through the Inter­reg IIIB programme. Both were aimed at adding value to the inter-city and high speed passenger networks in northern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and southeast England through a series of local initiatives.

Led by Seeda, the six-year prog­ramme involved 27 partners from the four countries. A diverse range of enhancement projects received funding, including the rebuilding of Aachen station, to which the partnership contributed €0·97m. It was also involved in the launch of connecting services between Maastricht and Liège for Thalys passengers. HST­integration raised €3m in ERDF funding for development of bus feeder routes to Ebbsfleet International station on the UK's High Speed 1 (RG 11.07 p699).

Seeda's Head of Infrastructure & Planning Detlef Golletz acknowledged that the projects only required 'a modest amount of cash', but said they had the potential to act as catalysts to trigger much larger investments, not least by encouraging disparate bodies to work together more effectively, often across national borders.

Golletz reaffirmed his belief that the two projects could pave the way for more substantial inter-regional rail investment in the years to come. In particular, he hoped to see spare capacity through the Channel Tunnel used by 'Trans-Manche Metro' regional services connecting southern England and Nord Pas-de-Calais. 'Just because we have a bit of water in between us, we don't see why that should be an obstacle'.
bron: ... ntial.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:44
door rail s
Vom: 08.09.08
10 Jahre Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH
Seit zehn Jahren ist die MEG auf deutschen Gleisen unterwegs; Foto: C. Müller
Die Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (MEG) feierte vergangene Woche ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen. Die MEG wurde am 1. Oktober 1998 als gemeinsame Tochtergesellschaft der Railion Deutschland AG und der Transpetrol GmbH Internationale Eisenbahnspedition Hamburg gegründet.

Im Unternehmen sind heute 240 Mitarbeiter tätig. Das Transportvolumen der MEG stieg 2007 auf über 11,2 Mio. t. Der Fahrzeugpark umfasst 18 Rangier-, 25 Strecken- sowie 12 kombinierte Strecken-/Rangierlokomotiven. Die MEG betreibt über 500 eigene zweiachsige Spezialgüterwagen für Zementtransporte. Der Umsatz der Mitteldeutschen Eisenbahn GmbH betrug im Jahre 2007 über 36 Mio. EUR.
Bei ihrer Gründung übernahm die MEG Personal und die Betriebsmittel der Werksbahnen Schkopau und Böhlen der damaligen BSL Olefinverbund GmbH, einem Unternehmen der Dow Chemical Company. Die Zulassung als öffentliches EVU für Personen- und Güterverkehr wurde im August 1999 erteilt. Der Betrieb dieser Werksbahnen sowie die Betriebsführung der Anschlussbahn der heutigen CEMEX OstZement GmbH Rüdersdorf sind wichtige Standbeine der MEG.

Die MEG expandierte auch außerhalb der Werksbahngleise. Seit Oktober 2000 fahren z.B. fast täglich Zementganzzüge von Rüdersdorf nach Rostock Seehafen und Regensburg Donauhafen. Für den Kunden Dow Olefinverbund GmbH fährt die MEG mehrmals wöchentlich Shuttlezüge zwischen den Chemiestandorten Schkopau und Böhlen sowie Großkorbetha und Böhlen. Im Dezember 2003 übernahm die MEG die Versorgung des e-on-Kraftwerkes Schkopau mit Braunkohle aus dem Tagebau Profen der Mibrag GmbH sowie die bahnseitige Reststoffentsorgung dieses Kraftwerkes. Diverse Sonderverkehre wie z.B. Trafotransporte, Lok- und Eisenbahndrehkranüberführungen runden das Leistungsportfolio der MEG ab.

In Schkopau betreibt die MEG eine Fahrzeugwerkstatt für Schienenfahrzeuge mit dem Schwerpunkt Behälterwagen.
bron: ... wse/1.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:46
door rail s
SNCB orders Alstom TBL1+ train protection
08 Sep 2008
BELGIUM: SNCB has placed an order with Alstom for the supply of a further 956 sets of TBL1+ onboard train protection equipment. Installation will be undertaken by SNCB.

The contract follows an order for 866 sets placed in 2007, and includes a 10 -year maintenance agreement bringing the total value of the contracts to €27·4m.

TBL1+ is a development of the Belgian TBL1 train protection system, which triggers automatic braking if a train approaches a stop signal at more than 40 km/h and halts the train if the signal is passed. TBL1+ uses ETCS compatible components, which Alstom said makes future export orders a possibility.

In 2006 Infrabel awarded Siemens a €105m contract to install and maintain TBL1+ and ETCS Level 1 equipment at 4 000 signals. SNCB has ordered all its TBL1+ onboard equipment from Alstom, which is also supplying ETCS Level 1 and 2 equipment for 120 Class 13 and Class 18 locomotives and 81 I11 and M6 push-pull driving cars.
bron: ... ction.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:48
door rail s
Vom: 08.09.08
Lärmschutz: DB testet neue Technologien
Lärm des Güterzuges ist das große Problem des Bahnverkehrs; Foto: DB AG / Taubert
In den nächsten Monaten erprobt die Deutsche Bahn innovative Technologien zur Reduzierung des Lärms und der Erschütterungen am Schienenweg. Noch in diesem Jahre sollen auf einem Streckenabschnitt bei Bingen am Mittelrhein neue Schallschutzelemente getestet werden.

Gefördert wird das Forschungsprojekt, für das im kommenden Frühjahr bereits erste Ergebnisse vorliegen sollen, durch das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung im Rahmen des laufenden Lärmsanierungsprogramms. Einzelheiten des Projektes präsentiert die Deutsche Bahn ab sofort auf der Landesgartenschau in Bingen. Sieben Wochen lang ist dort ein originalgetreues Gleisstück zu sehen, das mit den innovativen Maßnahmen ausgestattet ist. Die Präsentation wird auch auf der InnoTrans in Berlin gezeigt.

Die neuen Maßnahmen sind „besohlte“ Schwellen, Schienendämpfer und eine speziell angepasste, niedrige Schallschutzwand, die Gabionen-Schallschutzwand. Allein Schienendämpfer und Gabionen-Schallschutzwände haben ein Lärmsenkungspotential von jeweils 3 dB(A). In Kombination mit der Umrüstung älterer Güterwagen auf die Verbundstoffbremssohle wäre eine weitere Schallreduktion von bis zu 10 dB(A) möglich. Nach der Erprobung bei Bingen sollen die Maßnahmen auf besonders vom Lärm betroffene Regionen ausgeweitet werden. Dafür stellt der Bund im kommenden Jahr 10 Mio. EUR bereit.

Nur mit einer Kombination verschiedener Bausteine, etwa der Umrüstung von Güterwagen auf die Verbundstoffbremssohle oder dem Lärmsanierungsprogramm des Bundes, kann das Ziel erreicht werden, den Schienenlärm bis 2020 zu halbieren, so der Vorstand Infrastruktur der Deutschen Bahn, Stefan Garber. Die Rheinschiene ist für Bundesverkehrsminister Wolfgang Tiefensee der Schwerpunkt bei der Lärmbekämpfung. Zwischen Köln und Wiesbaden/Mainz wurden auf einer Länge von mehr als 40 km Lärmschutzwände errichtet und fast 40.000 Schallschutzfenster installiert. Der Bund hat allein in dieser Region 90 Mio. EUR investiert.
bron: ... ogien.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:49
door rail s
SBB seeks freight partner
08 Sep 2008
SWITZERLAND: Potential partners have until September 22 to submit expressions of interest in forming a partnership with SBB Cargo to develop Swiss Federal Railways' freight business.

SBB said on September 3 that it is aiming to improve rail's competitive position against road in the international market, provide better service on domestic routes and 'strengthen profitability and financial efficiency'.

An initial evaluation of offers against specified criteria will be followed by detailed discussions, and SBB expects to finalise a deal during the first half of 2009.

The Swiss national operator, which is being advised by McKinsey, is prepared to discuss options 'with all interested parties', whether they are based in Switzerland or elsewhere. It is looking for 'significant contributions' to the objective of switching traffic from road to rail and improving the competitiveness of the intermodal business. At the same time SBB wants to secure the future of its domestic wagonload service.

SBB Cargo's financial performance improved during the first half of 2008, with losses reduced from SFr35·5m in the same period last year to SFr8·2m. Net tonne-km, on the other hand, fell from 6 827 million to 6 600 million.

The search for a partner is not unexpected. SBB had said in March that SBB Cargo would be 'an attractive co-operation partner' after the Swiss road haulage association called for 30% to 40% of the business to be sold to the private sector. SBB also affirmed at the time that 'a total sale is out of the question'.
bron: ... rtner.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:52
door rail s
Vom: 08.09.08
ICE-Achsbruch: Ursache noch unklar
Die Ursache für den Bruch der Radsatzwelle eines ICE 3 im Kölner Hauptbahnhof ist weiter unklar.

Experten der Berliner Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung haben einem Bericht zufolge keine „eindeutigen Ursachen“ für den Bruch einer ICE-Achse gefunden. Das berichtet das Nachrichtenmagazin Focus. Die Kölner Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt in dem Fall.
bron: ... nklar.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:55
door rail s
South Korea's growing network
08 Sep 2008
INFRASTRUCTURE: Electrification, double-tracking and new line construction feature strongly in an expansion programme that will see South Korea’s rail network expand by 12% over the next eight years

'We have a great mission, to muster our power and wisdom to transform railways into a major growth engine of the 21st century’, said Kim Jeong-Joo, Acting Chairman & CEO of Korea Rail Network Authority, adressing WCRR delegates in Seoul on May 20.

Kim believes KR is already setting the pace, taking advantage of a 'paradigm shift’ as people start to appreciate rail’s environmental and economic benefits and 'put far greater value on the rail mode’.

Since it was established in 2004, KR has been pushing ahead with new line construction, upgrading and electrification, and the development of urban lines to serve the Seoul metropolitan area. And Kim says there will be no let-up in the pace of development.

According to Sim Hyeonk-Yun, Dir­ector-General of Railway Policy at the Ministry of Land, Transport & Maritime Affairs, 204 000bn won has been allocated for railway investment in 2006-10, of which 131 000bn is coming from central government, 11 000bn from local government and 62 000bn from outside sources including private-sector investment. For 2011-15, he says, central government will increase its contribution to 185 500bn and local government spending will rise to 14 500bn.

Between 2007 and 2015 the KR network is expected to grow from 3 399 to 3 815 route-km. At the same time, the proportion of double-track lines will rise from 41·3% to 63·8%. The result is forecast to be a significant increase in rail’s market share from 8% to 15%.

Sim says the high level of investment is designed to overcome a backlog in rail spending between 1980 and 2001, apart from the Gyeongbu high speed line and the Seoul metropolitan area. That resulted in a decline in passenger traffic from 185 to 110 million passengers/year and in freight from 49 to 43 million tonnes. With rail now expected to meet a bigger share of national transport demand, much of the network needs upgrading to improve both quality and capacity.

As well as two high speed lines, the ministry’s long-term plan envisages construction of six east-west and four north-south lines to fill gaps in the conventional network. Sim says a high priority for the next few years will be to tackle several emerging bottlenecks:

construction of a dedicated high speed line into the centre of Seoul, to relieve acute congestion on the Seoul – Siheung section which KTX trains now have to share with long-distance and regional services;

double-tracking several main lines to accommodate an increase in freight traffic;

further expansion of rail capacity in the metropolitan area to help mitigate growing road congestion.

In addition, the original Gyeongbu line between Seoul and Busan is to be transformed into a high-capacity freight corridor following completion of the second section of the high speed line in 2010. The southern portion of this line was electrified in 2004 to permit KTX services to reach Busan, and wiring of the final section near Cheonan was completed last year.

New line projects
According to Kim, KR sees its high speed rail projects as 'a core engine of growth’, helping to give the railway industry greater prominence. Work is pushing ahead on the second phase of the Gyeongbu high speed line, between Daegu, Gyeongju and Busan, which is due to be completed by the end of 2010. Last year KR invested 789bn won on this project alone.

KR reports that civil works have been completed in 11 of the 18 sections, and tracklaying is proceeding rapidly. Much of the line is being laid with Rheda 2000 ballastless track, using UIC60 rails from Posco and Pandrol Fastclip assemblies. The rails are being welded up into 300 m strings at KR’s Central Track Engineering Facility at Osong — the former construction base for Phase 1 — prior to delivery. According to J H Kim of Pandrol Korea, tracklaying is averaging around 800 m a day, with a record 1 200 m completed in one day earlier this year.

Meanwhile, design work is in full swing on the 231 km Honam high speed line, where construction is expected to start next year. This will diverge from the existing route at Osong to serve Iksan, Gwangju and Mokpo. The 182·2 km as far as Gwangju was originally to be completed in 2015 and the final section to Mokpo in 2017, but South Korea’s President Lee Myung-Bak now says he wants to see the line operational to Gwangju before his term of office finishes in 2014.

Costing 10 500bn won, the new line will cut the total distance from Seoul to Mokpo to 320 km compared with 410 km for the existing route via Daejeon. Fastest journey times will be halved to 1 h 46 min.

The existing Honam line has already been electrified to accommodate through KTX trains from Seoul, and work is now underway on a similar upgrading of the Jeolla line which diverges from the route at Iksan to serve Suncheon and Yeosu. With the coastal city selected to host the Korea International Expo in 2012, KR began work in December 2003 on complete reconstruction of the 32·4 km Suncheon – Yeosu section at a cost of 650bn won. Double-tracking and electrification is now 70% complete and on course to be finished by the end of 2009.

At the southern end of the Gyeongbu corridor, the opening of a new deep-water port at Gwangyang, west of Busan, has triggered double-tracking and upgrading of several lines in the area. The route running northeast from Busan to Ulsan is being double-tracked and electrified to accommodate an intensive suburban passenger service as well as more long-distance freight.

KR is working on double-tracking and electrification of the east-west line from Samrangjin to Masan and Jinju, which parallels the south coast. This will permit the introduction of KTX services to Jinju; in the longer term the wires will be pushed west to meet the upgraded Jeolla line at Suncheon.

The final section of this line beyond Suncheon turns north at Boseong towards Gwangju. KR started building a direct cut-off from Boseong to Mokpo, but work was suspended for lack of finance and no schedule has been set for construction to restart.

To facilitate the development of international rail freight, KR’s master plan includes the development of a north-south corridor along the east coast. This is intended to connect the ports around Busan with the Trans-Korean Railway and eventually with the Trans-Siberian landbridge via the revitalised Rajin border crossing between North Korea and Russia. The route would incorporate the short section of cross-border line north of Jeojin which was relaid for the reopening ceremony in May 2007 but as yet is not connected to either network.

KR officially started work in March 2008 on the 166 km Pohang – Samcheok route which forms the southern part of the new corridor. This is initially being built as a single-track line for 150 km/h operation, and is expected to be completed after 2014 at an estimated cost of 2 400bn won.

The Gangneung – Jeojin section is also due to be completed by 2014 at a cost of 1 800bn won, although no start date has been agreed because of the recent suspension of official talks between South and North Korea. This 110 km single-track route aligned for 200 km/h running would replace an older line which was dismantled after the Korean War.

Metropolitan expansion
With more than half of South Korea’s pop­ulation living and working in the greater Seoul area, Sim says road congestion is becoming a growing problem despite sustained investment in suburban railways and metro lines. As a result, KR is expected to add around 400 route-km to the metropolitan rail network over the next decade. Incheon has been selected to host the 2014 Asian Games, so this has set the deadline for completing many of the projects.

Work is due to start shortly on a 23·1 km line serving a new port at Wonsi, south of Incheon; this will diverge from the existing Seoul – Incheon line at Sosa. Detailed design was completed at the end of 2007, and KR is now looking to take the 1 700bn won scheme forward as a public-private partnership.

To the south of the capital, KR has completed feasibility studies for a 40·8 km orbital route costing 3 900bn won. Linking Ansan with Chongnyangni in the northeast, this would be routed via the high speed line station at Gwangmyeong, which is currently only served by a local shuttle from Siheung. The orbital line is expected to be completed by 2015.

This year is due to see the completion of upgrading work on the Yongsan – Munsan line running northwest from Seoul towards the Demilitarised Zone and Pyongyang. As well as facilitating reunification of the two rail networks, the line will carry frequent suburban trains, serving the new satellite cities of Goyang and Pajoo to the northwest of the capital. Double-tracking and electrification of the 48·6 km route began in November 1999 at a budgeted cost of 1 970bn won.

On the eastern side of the conurbation, next year will see the completion of upgrading work on the 64·2 km Geumgok – Chuncheon line, which started in December 1997 at a cost of 1 980bn won. Conversion of the single-track line to a double-track electrified route will allow Korail to extend its metropolitan services eastwards and better serve the tourist attractions around Chuncheon.

Outer-suburban services will also be introduced this year on the 90·4 km Deokso – Wonju line running southeast out of the capital. Double-tracking and electrification of the single-track line began in mid-2001 at a cost of 1 700bn won. As well as supporting a suburban service, the upgraded line is intended to form the first part of a new west-east corridor linking Seoul with the east coast town of Gangneung.

KR has completed detailed design for a 120 km double track electrified line from Wonju to Gangneung, which will be laid out for 200 km/h operation. This scheme is expected to be financed by the private sector under a build-transfer concession, and KR prepared a request for proposals in mid-2007. The project is scheduled for completion by 2014, with a target Seoul – Gangneung journey time of just 1 h 39 min.

Table I. KR investment spending on major projects in 2007-08 (bn won)

High speed lines (2)

Conventional lines (28 projects)

Inter-city routes (13 projects)

Freight projects (5)

Other schemes (5)


West coast corridors
The Wonju – Gangneung project is the first of several new corridors which the government hopes will revitalise parts of the country that have suffered from lagging economic development, and counter the dominance of the metropolitan region and the cities in the Gyeongbu corridor.

Another strand in this strategy is the construction of a new capital at Sejong, around 100 km south of Seoul. KR has already completed a feasibility study for an 88·6 km east-west line to serve the new city. This would start from Boryeong, on the coastal route between Cheonan and Janghang which has been electrified and double-tracked as far as Onyang. The new line through Sejong would meet the main line at Jochiwon, where it would connect end-on with an upgraded cross-country route to Jecheon and Donghae on the east coast.

Provisionally costed at 2 700bn won, the Boryeong – Jochiwon line would take four years to design and a further six to build, but work on the scheme is currently suspended.

Meanwhile, a 17·1 km line between Janghang and Gunsan was opened in December 2007, connecting the Cheonan – Janghang and Iksan – Gusan lines. Primarily intended for freight traffic to and from the Gunjang industrial development zone, it also carries a local passenger service. Built at a cost of 322bn won, the link has been built with a double-track formation but with only one track laid in the initial phase.

In the longer term, plans are taking shape for a line running north along the west coast from Hwayang to Wonsi in the Seoul metropolitan area.

Signalling and electrification
Electrification of the existing main lines at 25 kV 60 Hz, together with the construction of new electrified routes is rapidly increasing the proportion of KR’s network under the wires. From 39·8% in 2001, the figure has already passed 53·5%, and is scheduled to reach to 79·2% by 2014.

At the same time, KR is investing in new signalling and automatic train protection to improve capacity and safety across the network. In December 2002 KNR started work on building a national traffic control centre at Guro, in the southwest suburbs of Seoul, at a total cost of 100bn won.

Officially opened in December 2006, the Guro CTC centre is owned by KR but staffed by Korail. It brings together the operations of five older signalling control centres in Seoul, Daejon, Suncheon, Yeoungju and Busan, which between them covered 279 stations.

Further sections of line have since been brought under the control of the new centre as modernisation and resignalling has been completed, and Guro now oversees the operation of more than 3 000 trains/day on 3 392 route-km serving 522 stations. However, there are still 197 stations on various secondary lines under local control which will be migrated as and when they are resignalled. The Gyeongbu high speed line has its own control centre at Gwangmyeong, although KR is looking at migrating control to Guro when the second phase is inaugurated in 2010.

The circular CTC centre has two control rooms laid out as concentric rings, with the 36 signalling workstations around the outer ring and the Scada electrical power control room at the centre. Separate workstations are also provided for CCTV monitoring of many stations, particularly on the metropolitan lines and making public address announcements anywhere on the KR network. Korail currently employs 384 staff at the centre, of which 240 are responsible for signalling and train control and 99 for electrical power supplies.

CAPTION: The Songjeong viaduct will carry the Gyeongbu high speed line extension between Daegu and Busan.
CAPTION: Rails for the Gyeongbu high speed line are welded into 300 m lengths at KR’s Osong plant and delivered in trainloads of 48 strings.
CAPTION: Inside the network control centre at Guro.
CAPTION: Double-tracking and electrification of the Samrangjin – Jinju line requires major civil engineering work, including this new bridge.
bron: ... twork.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 20:59
door rail s
Vom: 08.09.08
HGV: Air France und Veolia wollen kooperieren
Air France und Veolia wollen gemeinsam eigene Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge betreiben. Sie wollen dazu eine strategische Partnerschaft eingehen. Ziel sei es, sich als ein Betreiber von Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen in Europa zu etablieren. Hintergrund sei die Liberalisierung des Fernverkehrs der Bahn in der EU ab 2010, die den Markt für neue Unternehmen öffne.

Nach einem Bericht der Zeitung Le Parisien will Air France zunächst eigene Züge auf den Verbindungen von Paris nach Amsterdam und London einsetzen. Dem Bericht zufolge will die Fluggesellschaft bei Alstom AGV-Züge ordern. Wegen der TGV-Züge der SNCF hat Air France auf etlichen Verbindungen mit einer Reisezeit von bis zu drei Stunden Kunden verloren.
bron: ... ieren.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 21:01
door rail s
NMBS stapt in Carex
De Belgische spoorwegmaatschappij NMBS beslist deze week om mee in het Carex-project te stappen. Het is de bedoeling om met snelle vrachttreinen 's nachts de hogesnelheidslijnen te gaan gebruiken voor het vervoer van expres- en andere lading. Het overheidsbedrijf zal meer dan waarschijnlijk via de spoorbeheerder Infrabel in de Belgische Carex-structuur stappen.

Het eerste Belgische Carex-station komt op de Waalse luchthaven van Luik met TNT als belangrijke gebruiker. Samen met TNT ijvert vooral Fedex voor de uitbouw van een spoornetwerk voor expresvervoer. Tot zover hebben al vijf luchthavens besloten om mee te doen: behalve Luik zijn dat Parijs, Lyon, Schiphol en Londen. Zij worden de eerste partners van het nog op te richten 'Eurocarex'.

In een tweede fase is het de bedoeling dat ook Bordeaux en Keulen en/of Frankfurt aangesloten worden. Op langere termijn zouden ook Barcelona (via Perpignan), Madrid, Milaan en Berlijn bij het netwerk komen.

Zowel Siemens als Alstom legt op dit ogenblik de laatste hand aan een ontwerp en de offertes van een vracht-HST die 300 km per uur rijdt en waarvan de wagons de vorm van een vliegtuigromp krijgen omdat ze dezelfde luchtvrachtcontainers zullen vervoeren. De eerste Carex-trein zou in 2012 operationeel moeten zijn.
bron: ... Carex.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 08 sep 2008, 21:04
door treinbruno
zo'n TGV wil ik wel eens zien :D
misschien kunnen ze de TGV la poste gebruiken :mrgreen:

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 09 sep 2008, 12:46
door pietje
treinbruno schreef:zo'n TGV wil ik wel eens zien :D
misschien kunnen ze de TGV la poste gebruiken :mrgreen:
Het zal zoiets worden, maar dan wat gemoderniseerd: misschien iets hoger (zoals Duplex).
het gaat hem ook niet over vrachtvervoer zoals containers of bulkgoedren , maar pakjesdiensten, hetzelfde eigenlijk als de TGV La Poste.
Het zullen dus afgeleiden worden van de Siemens Velaro (ICE3) de TGV of misschien zelfs de AGV.

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 09 sep 2008, 20:53
door rail s
Vom: 09.09.08
VBB: Leichter Fahrgastrückgang
Der VBB musste 2007 einen leichten Fahrgastrückgang vermelden; Foto: C. Müller
Im Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) waren 2007 etwas weniger Fahrgäste unterwegs als im Jahr zuvor. Trotzdem ist der VBB mehr als zufrieden, war doch 2006 das Jahr mit der Fussball-WM, das in und um Berlin einen Extraschub an Fahrgästen brachte. Außerdem sanken in beiden Bundesländern 2007 die Schülerzahlen überproportional.

2007 waren 1, 237 Mrd. Personen mit dem öffentlichen verkehr unterwegs, 2006 waren es 1,256 Mrd. 2006 war in Berlin aber nicht nur die größte Fanmeile zur Fussball-WM, es gab mit sechs Spielen auch mehr als an anderen Orten. Zudem sanken die Schülerzahlen in Brandenburg um 4,5 % und in Berlin um 2,1 %. Und schließlich gab es an verschiedenen Stellen kleinere Angebotsreduzierungen. Dies ergibt sich aus dem Verbundbericht, den der VBB jetzt veröffentlicht hat. Gegenüber 2005 nahm die Fahrgastzahl in 2007 dagegen um 0,8 % zu. Dies, so der VBB, zeige, wie robust die Konstitution des Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in der Hauptstadtregion ist.

Beim VBB sind jetzt, nachdem 2007 drei weitere Wettbewerbsverfahren abgeschlossen wurden, 25 % der Zugleistung im Wettbewerb vergeben worden. Der Verbund sieht die Erfahrungen durchweg positiv: Service und Qualität hätten sich verbessert und die öffentliche Hand konnte Geld sparen. Weiterhin wurde auch neue Tarife eingeführt wie die die 4-Fahrten-Karte in Berlin oder das verbundweite Schülerferienticket.
bron: ... wse/1.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 09 sep 2008, 20:55
door rail s
First Tango in Basel
09 Sep 2008
SWITZERLAND: The first of 60 Stadler Tango trams ordered jointly by Basel city transport company BVB and Baselland regional operator BLT arrived at BLT's Oberwil depot on September 2.
A SFr276m contract for 60 trams was announced in May 2006, and includes 40 cars for BLT and 20 for BVB.
The 45 m length of the car required it to be delivered from the manufacturer's Altenrhein plant in two sections. Following reassembly, it will undergo extensive testing on the BLT and BVB networks before entering service in December.
The metre-gauge 75% low-floor Tango is 2 300 mm wide, 100 mm wider than older cars in Basel, and has 94 seats.
bron: ... basel.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 09 sep 2008, 20:56
door rail s
Vom: 09.09.08
DB AG saniert Dresdner Bahn
Auf der Dresdner Bahn wird ab dem Fahrplanwechsel im Dezember zwischen Baruth und Wünsdorf-Waldstadt umfangreich gebaut. Die Kritik des Verkehrsverbundes Berlin-Brandenburg über die zahlreichen Langsamfahrstellen war deutlich; die Fahrtzeit zwischen Berlin und Dresden würden unattraktiv verlängert.
Die DB Netz AG wird nun einen Teil der Strecke ab dem Fahrplanwechsel vom 14. Dezember 2008 an zwischen Baruth (Mark) und Wünsdorf-Waldstadt sanieren. Während der Bauzeit bis zum 13. Juni 2009 steht nur ein Gleis zur Verfügung. Dies führt zu Einschränkungen auf der Linie RE 3 zwischen Elsterwerda und Berlin.
bron: ... _bahn.html

Re: nieuwstopic?!

Geplaatst: 09 sep 2008, 20:57
door rail s
Punta Colonet tenders called
09 Sep 2008
MEXICO: President Felipe Calderon announced the start of tendering for a 45-year build and operate concession covering the planned US$5bn Punta Colonet port and railway project on August 28.

The centrepiece will be a container port for trans-Pacific cargo which is to be built on the lightly populated west coast of the Baja California peninsula, about 240 km south of the US border.

Four routes have been proposed for a railway running around 350 km northeast through the rugged mountains of the peninsula to a connection with the US rail network at one of Calexico in California, El Paso in Texas, or Yuma or Nogales in Arizona.

The port will have an initial annual capacity of two million containers, with expansion to six million projected within 15 years. At least three groups are thought to be preparing bids. The winner will be announced in 2009, and opening is planned for 2012-14. Union Pacific had previously joined with a Chinese partner to prepare an offer, but the agreement collapsed last year and a UP spokesman said the railway will only be monitoring the project.
bron: ... alled.html